Hina Khan, the beloved actress, recently took a significant step in her ongoing battle with Stage Three breast cancer by stepping out of her home for the first time in months. The actress, who has been keeping a low profile due to her treatment, treated herself to a much-needed day of self-care and pampering.
Hina shared glimpses of her outing on her Instagram account, where she posted a series of heartwarming photos. The images capture her indulging in some of her favorite desserts, including cookies, macarons, and other savory delights. The day also included a rare shopping trip, which the actress described as a special and rejuvenating experience during this challenging time.
In her Instagram caption, Hina expressed the joy of taking time for herself, writing, "Indulging into a well-deserved treat. Stepped out after months for some shopping and hot chocolate. Just me, pampering myself and loving it."
Earlier this week, Hina received a visit from her close friend, actor Shaheer Sheikh, who has been a strong source of support during her cancer journey. Shaheer took to Instagram to share a heartfelt post dedicated to Hina, praising her strength and resilience. "You are my cherished friend, and I have always seen you inspire people around the world by doing the right thing, but watching your grit and resilience in the last few months has made me feel so proud of you. You are fiery and fearless," he wrote.
Hina revealed her breast cancer diagnosis last month in an emotional Instagram post. Addressing her fans and supporters, she shared the news, saying, "Hello everyone, To address the recent rumours, I want to share some important news with all the Hinaholics and everyone who loves and cares for me. I have been diagnosed with Stage Three breast cancer."
Despite the difficult journey, Hina's recent outing and her positive outlook serve as an inspiration to many, showing her determination to continue living life to the fullest while battling the disease.