December 26, 2024: In the aftermath of the tragic stampede at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule, prominent film producer Dil Raju has announced that the entire Telangana film industry will meet Chief Minister Revanth Reddy today. Dil Raju, who also serves as the chairman of the Telangana Film Development Corporation, emphasized his role as a bridge between the film industry and the state government to address safety concerns and provide support to the victims.
Also Read: What Was Allu Arjun Asked by Police Over Pushpa 2 Stampede Incident: Read On
Speaking to the media, Dil Raju stated:
“The Chief Minister has scheduled tomorrow’s appointment, and the entire film industry will meet him. I will act as a bridge between the Telangana Film Development Corporation and the government. Everyone available in Hyderabad will attend.”
The meeting comes in response to growing concerns about crowd management and safety protocols during high-profile movie premieres.
Dil Raju also provided an update on Sri Tej, the child injured during the December 4 stampede. The producer visited KIMS Hospital in Secunderabad to meet the family and shared:
“The child is responding to treatment and was taken off the ventilator two days ago.”
Sri Tej’s mother, Revathi, tragically lost her life in the incident. Dil Raju assured that both the film industry and the government would extend full support to the family.
Earlier this week, actor Allu Arjun was questioned by Hyderabad police regarding the incident. Reports indicate that the actor’s appearance at the theatre and interaction with fans led to an uncontrollable surge in the crowd, resulting in the stampede.
Allu Arjun was briefly arrested and later released on bail after posting a ₹50,000 bond.
Bhaskar, the father of Sri Tej, expressed his gratitude:
“The child responded after 20 days. He is responding today. Allu Arjun and the Telangana government are supporting us.”
The family continues to receive assistance from both private and government entities.
The upcoming meeting with CM Revanth Reddy is expected to address safety protocols, event permissions, and measures to prevent such incidents in the future. Dil Raju emphasized the industry’s collective responsibility and the need for better crowd management strategies during film-related events.
As the Telangana government and the film industry collaborate to prevent further tragedies, the focus remains on Sri Tej’s recovery and the well-being of affected families.
Tags: Dil Raju, Revanth Reddy, Telangana Film Industry, Pushpa 2 Stampede, Allu Arjun Arrest, Sandhya Theatre Incident, Crowd Management, Film Industry Meeting, Telangana Government.
This post was last modified on December 26, 2024 8:15 am
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