December 11, 2024: Hyderabad witnessed high drama on Tuesday as tensions flared at veteran Telugu actor Mohan Babu's Jalpally residence. The conflict unfolded when his younger son, actor Manoj, attempted to enter the property, leading to a confrontation with private security personnel stationed at the house.
According to reports, Manoj was forcefully pushed out by the security team, intensifying the dispute. Adding to the chaos, TV visuals captured Mohan Babu allegedly striking a video journalist covering the incident with a microphone, resulting in injuries to the journalist.
The family discord became public on Monday when Mohan Babu filed a police complaint accusing Manoj and his wife of conspiring to seize his Jalpally property through intimidation and force.
In response, Manoj addressed the media, asserting that his actions were not about property but about reclaiming his self-respect. He also sought police protection for himself and his family and met with a senior police official to discuss the matter. On social media, Manoj dismissed his father’s allegations as baseless and malicious.
Mohan Babu's elder son, Vishnu, stated that the family issues would be resolved privately.
The dispute escalated after Mohan Babu alleged that Manoj and hired individuals caused a disturbance at his residence on December 8. He claimed that 30 individuals trespassed into the house, threatened staff, and evicted them from the premises, acting under Manoj and his wife’s instructions. The actor has urged the police to take action against Manoj and his associates, remove them from the property, and ensure his safety.
Meanwhile, Manoj filed a counter-complaint at the Pahadishareef police station, alleging that 10 unidentified individuals entered the house on December 8. He claimed to have confronted the intruders, resulting in a scuffle that left him injured.
The Hyderabad police are investigating the incident, and further developments are awaited in this unfolding family drama.
This post was last modified on December 11, 2024 10:15 am
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