Mumbai Police has registered a case against actor Sharad Kapoor after a 32-year-old woman accused him of misbehaviour and inappropriate advances. According to the complaint, Kapoor invited the woman to his home under the pretence of a professional meeting for a film shoot but allegedly behaved inappropriately once she arrived.
The victim, who connected with Kapoor via Facebook and later through video calls, stated that the actor initially sent her an address for a supposed office meeting in Khar. Upon arrival, she discovered it was his residence.
The woman alleges that Kapoor invited her into his bedroom, behaved inappropriately, and touched her forcibly. Following the encounter, he reportedly sent her obscene messages and a voice note on WhatsApp that caused further distress.
“Kapoor was inappropriately dressed during the meeting and made unwanted advances. The victim has also highlighted receiving obscene messages post-incident, seeking legal action for accountability in the entertainment industry,” a police official stated.
A case has been filed under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, and Kapoor has been summoned for questioning. The police have confirmed the incident occurred earlier this week at Kapoor’s residence in Khar.
Sharad Kapoor made his Bollywood debut in Mera Pyara Bharat (1994) and gained recognition with roles in Hindi and Bengali films, including Josh (2001), for which he was nominated for a Filmfare Best Villain Award. His other notable works include LOC Kargil and Lakshya. In recent years, Kapoor appeared in No Means No and The Good Maharaja (2022).
This incident has reignited discussions about accountability and the importance of safeguarding individuals within the entertainment industry. Law enforcement continues to investigate the case, emphasizing the need for stringent action against misconduct.
#SharadKapoor #MisconductCase #BollywoodNews #EntertainmentIndustry #WomenSafety #MumbaiPolice #AccountabilityInCinema
This post was last modified on December 1, 2024 9:45 am
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