Alia Bhatt shared a special birthday message for her mother-in-law, Neetu Kapoor, on her 66th birthday. Alia posted a picture on her Instagram stories featuring Neetu and her own mother, Soni Razdan, both twinning in white outfits. She added a birthday cap emoji to Neetu's head and captioned the post, "Happy Birthday Mom! My pillar of strength, peace, and all things you to the moon & back." Neetu re-shared the story on her account, writing, "Love you too."
Neetu Kapoor celebrated her birthday in the Swiss mountains with her daughter Riddhima Kapoor, son-in-law, and granddaughter. Riddhima shared a video on her Instagram Stories showing Neetu celebrating with her family. The veteran actress was seen enjoying a special dessert while her family sang to her. Riddhima also posted a picture captioned, "Just us girls enjoying our bubbly. Love and only love. Happy birthday my mommykins."
Neetu Kapoor began her acting career at the age of eight, gaining fame for her roles in movies like 'Do Dooni Chaar' and 'Do Kaliyan.' She appeared in about 70 to 80 films between the ages of 5 and 21. In 1980, she married her co-star Rishi Kapoor. Together, they starred in several hit films during the 70s and 80s, including 'Amar Akbar Anthony,' 'Khel Khel Mein,' 'Rafoo Chakkar,' 'Kabhi Kabhie,' and 'Besharam,' inspiring generations with their on-screen and off-screen romance.
Rishi Kapoor passed away on April 30, 2020, at the age of 67 after battling leukemia. The couple has two children, actor Ranbir Kapoor and designer Riddhima Kapoor Sahani. Neetu took a break from acting to focus on her family, as Rishi was very possessive and wanted her to be with him all the time. She returned to acting last year with 'Jugjugg Jeeyo' alongside Anil Kapoor.
This post was last modified on July 9, 2024 11:44 am
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