November 15, 2024: Pushpa star Allu Arjun has finally addressed the viral 2017 video that stirred curiosity and debate among his fans. In the video, captured by a security camera at a wine shop in Goa, Allu Arjun is seen purchasing alcohol, sparking a mix of reactions on social media. Now, the actor has confirmed it was indeed him in the footage, putting an end to the speculation surrounding the incident.
During an appearance on the talk show Unstoppable with NBK Season 4, which is set to air on November 14, Allu Arjun broke his silence about the clip. When questioned by NBK about the viral video, Allu Arjun admitted that he was the person seen buying alcohol. However, he clarified that he was purchasing it for a friend, who he revealed would also be appearing on the talk show episode with him.
The video, which resurfaced recently, shows Allu dressed casually in a vest and pyjama at a local liquor shop in Goa. Some fans initially frowned upon his actions, viewing them as irresponsible for a public figure, while many of his supporters defended him, emphasizing his right to a personal life.
Watch out special video on Pushpa 2
On the work front, Allu Arjun is gearing up for the release of Pushpa 2: The Rule, the much-anticipated sequel to Sukumar's 2021 hit Pushpa: The Rise. The film follows Pushpa’s journey from a daily wage worker to a Red Sanders smuggler, with the first installment ending on a cliffhanger that has fans eagerly awaiting the sequel. Pushpa 2: The Rule, also starring Rashmika Mandanna, is set to hit theatres on December 5, releasing in multiple languages, including Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Bengali.
AlluArjun, ViralVideo, Pushpa2,