Suhana Khan, the daughter of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, made a splash when she joined the movie business. The Bollywood A-list attended her spectacular debut flick ‘The Archies’ on Tuesday night. Ananya Panday, an actor and Suhana’s closest friend, also attended the screening to support her. Ananya also sent a gratitude message on her Instagram Story for Suhana. releasing an unguarded photo of Suhana from the event, Ananya wrote, “My baby sister is the brightest spark to ever be @ I love Ronnie and I love you and I can’t wait for the world to see all ur hard work that’s manifested into this magic @suhanakhan2.”
Malaika Arora, who was there at the screening, wished SRK and Gauri well and shouted out to Suhana. “Oh my dear VERONICA … simply va va vooomm. Pure delight to watch on screen @suhanakhan2 congratulations proud parents @gaurikhan @iamsrk,” she wrote.
‘The Archies,’ directed by Zoya Akhtar, also features the film debut of Khushi Kapoor, the daughter of late Sridevi and producer Boney Kapoor, and Agastya, the son of Shweta Bachchan and Nikhil Nanda. The movie, a coming-of-age musical, transports viewers to the made-up hilltop town of Riverdale while following the lives of Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Reggie, Ethel, and Dilton. The movie looks at freedom, love, heartbreak, friendship, and revolt.
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