After celebrating New Year in London, actor Ananya Panday is now back in town. On Friday, Ananya took to Instagram to share pictures from her vacation in her late ‘New Year’ post. She wrote, “Happpy new year!!!! I know I’m slightly late but like Ahana said at the end of ‘Kho Gaye Hum Kahan’ – it was time for a reboot and a couple of resolutions every year we try to change ourselves but this year I hope you can be completely yourself”
Ananya shared a few candid pictures of herself. She also shared pictures of places she visited in London.
Soon after the ‘Liger’ actor shared the post, her fans flooded the comment section with red heart emoticons. Her mother, Bhavana Pandey, wrote, “Love the caption.” A fan wrote, “Caption defines your positive mentality.” Earlier, a picture of Ananya and actor Aditya Roy Kapur enjoying ice skating in the UK went viral on social media. Ananya is seen wearing a black trench coat over a pair of wide-legged pants and a high-neck sweater. Aditya, on the other hand, opted for jeans, a black puffer jacket and a grey beanie. Both wore blue skating shoes as they stood together on the ice rink.
A few days ago, a picture surfaced online in which the lovebirds were seen posing with friends. Notably, the two have neither confirmed nor denied their relationship yet. Meanwhile, on the work front, Ananya is basking in the success of her recent release ‘Kho Gaye Hum Kahan’. She will also be making her OTT debut soon with the upcoming series ‘Call me Bae’.