Veteran actor-director Anupam Kher recently took a nostalgic trip down memory lane to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of his directorial debut, ‘Om Jai Jagadish.’ Taking to Instagram, Kher shared a heartfelt post featuring a picture from the sets of the film. The image includes Kher alongside the late Om Puri, Anil Kapoor, Mahima Chaudhry, Fardeen Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Urmila Matondkar, and producer Vashu Bhagnani.
“22 years of #OmJaiJagadish ❤️,” Kher captioned the post, expressing his gratitude and fond memories of the project. The film, which revolves around three brothers facing and overcoming their individual troubles while staying united, also stars the legendary actress Waheeda Rehman.
In addition to reminiscing about his past work, Kher is actively preparing for his next directorial venture, ‘Tanvi The Great.’ Announced on his birthday, March 7, Kher shared, “Today, on my birthday I proudly announce the name of the film I have decided to direct. Some stories find their path and compel you to share it with the world! And the best way I thought to start is by taking the blessings of my mother in her temple with my father’s pic blessing me too. Have been working on this musical story of #Passion #Courage #Innocence and #Joy for the last three years. And finally starting shooting tomorrow on the auspicious day of #Mahashivratri. Birthday is the best day to CHALLENGE yourself! Please Send me your love, best wishes and blessings! Om Namah Shivay! #TanviTheGreat #Musical #Film #Passion #Courage @anupamkherstudio.”
Apart from ‘Tanvi The Great,’ Kher’s slate of upcoming projects includes ‘The Signature,’ ‘Emergency,’ ‘Vijay 69,’ ‘The Curse of Damyaan,’ and several other films.
With a career spanning decades and a plethora of notable performances, Anupam Kher continues to be a significant figure in the film industry, both in front of and behind the camera.
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