Renowned actress Barkha Bisht recently opened up about her intriguing role in the family drama 'Mera Balam Thanedaar.' The show, which has captivated audiences with its engaging storyline, sees Bisht stepping into the character of Meethi Maai, adding a thrilling twist to the narrative. Alongside Shagun Pandey and Shruti Choudhary, Barkha Bisht brings a fresh dynamic to the series.
'Mera Balam Thanedaar' revolves around the contrasting marriage of IPS Officer Veer (played by Shagun Pandey) and the vivacious Bulbul (played by Shruti Choudhary). The show takes a fascinating turn with the arrival of Meethi Maai, a character portrayed with depth and complexity by Bisht. In the upcoming episodes, viewers can expect a gripping battle of wits between Veer and Meethi Maai during a family satsang.
Discussing her character, Barkha Bisht shared in a press release from the show's team, "My character holds the power to shape beliefs and control narratives. In the show, Veer thinks he can expose Meethi Maai, but he underestimates her influence over society. This storyline is about more than just deception--it's a strategic game where only the shrewdest will prevail. Meethi Maai is not just a spiritual leader but a force to be reckoned with, and her plans are bigger than they seem."
Earlier, Shagun Pandey, who plays the righteous IPS officer Veer, shared insights about his role. He explained, "I portray the role of a police officer who values honesty and expects to be confronted with the harsh truth rather than comforted with lies. His determination stems from a personal experience, where someone close to him faced a situation he never wants any young girl or child to endure."
Pandey also expressed his admiration for his co-star Shruti Choudhary, stating, "Working with Shruti is fantastic because she is an exceptionally quick learner. She effortlessly grasps whatever we want to imbibe, and her natural brilliance shines through organically."
As 'Mera Balam Thanedaar' continues to air on Colors TV, the show's compelling plot and strong performances by the cast promise to keep viewers hooked. The arrival of Meethi Maai adds an exciting layer to the story, making it a must-watch for fans of family dramas with a twist.