November 9, 2024: The drama intensifies in Bigg Boss 18‘s Weekend Ka Vaar episode as filmmaker Rohit Shetty steps in to host. Taking over from Salman Khan, who’s busy shooting his upcoming film Sikander in Hyderabad, Rohit dives into the tension-filled house dynamics. With a sharp eye, Rohit calls upon wildcard entrant Digvijay Singh Rathee to share his thoughts on the housemates, sparking a heated confrontation with Vivian Dsena.
In a fiery exchange, Digvijay accuses Vivian of displaying a “superiority complex.” “Everyone here is equal, so don’t act overly arrogant,” Digvijay asserts, adding, “Zyaada akad main apne baap ke alawa kisi ki sehta nahi, toh aap ki bhi nahi sahunga (I don’t tolerate arrogance from anyone except my father, and I won’t tolerate yours).” This remark doesn’t sit well with Vivian, leading to a tense standoff, as he retorts by calling Rajat “low standard,” prompting an explosive reaction from Rajat.
The intensity continues as Rohit Shetty turns his attention to season 14 winner Karan Veer Mehra, grilling him over his tendency to stay out of conflicts yet intervene at crucial moments. Rohit questions why Karan Veer involved himself in a confrontation between Shrutika Arjun and Sara Arfeen Khan. The intervention backfires as Shrutika, a friend of Karan Veer, criticizes his interference. When Karan Veer attempts to defend his actions, the conversation escalates, leaving viewers wondering how this friction will play out in the coming episodes.
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