December 5, 2024: The drama in Bigg Boss 18 continues to intensify, with a recent promo showcasing a fiery confrontation between contestants. The dispute began during a biscuit task, where Digvijay Singh Rathee emerged victorious. Tensions flared when Eisha Singh attempted to take biscuits from the hamper, triggering a heated verbal argument that soon spiraled into a physical altercation.
Eisha's actions and Digvijay's refusal led to an intense exchange, with Digvijay accusing her of spreading rumours about him liking her. The confrontation escalated as Digvijay called Eisha derogatory names, further provoking the other contestants.
In the promo, Rajat Dalal is seen aggressively grabbing Digvijay's t-shirt, warning him to behave, while Digvijay retorts with sharp remarks. The fight intensifies as Avinash Mishra jumps into the fray, attempting to physically attack Digvijay in the bedroom area. Fellow housemates, including Eisha, Chahat, and Vivian, intervene to separate the contestants, with Vivian accusing Digvijay of disrespecting women.
According to sources, the conflict stemmed from Digvijay's insistence that Eisha ask for biscuits instead of taking them directly. This minor disagreement spiraled into a larger issue, with accusations, offensive comments, and tempers running high.
As the house dynamic grows increasingly volatile, Bigg Boss 18 promises more high-stakes drama in the episodes ahead. Stay tuned for updates!
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