At the trailer launch event for Singham Again, actor Ranveer Singh revealed why his wife and co-star Deepika Padukone couldn’t attend the star-studded event. Ranveer playfully shared that their newborn daughter made her “debut” during the filming of the Rohit Shetty movie, calling her ‘baby Simmba’ in reference to his character in the Singham franchise.
Ranveer explained, “Deepika is busy with the baby, so she couldn’t make it. I’m on night duty, so I’ve come.” He also confirmed that Deepika was pregnant with their first child while shooting for Singham Again, adding, “So, a Happy Diwali in advance to all of you from Lady Singham, Simmba, and baby Simmba.”
The couple welcomed their first child, a baby girl, on September 8, 2024, sharing the joyful news with their fans via Instagram. In a heartfelt post, they announced, “Welcome Baby Girl 8.9.2024. Deepika and Ranveer.” Since the birth, the couple has maintained a relatively low profile, though Deepika updated her Instagram bio to reflect her new life as a mother with, “Feed. Burp. Sleep. Repeat.”
Ranveer and Deepika will be reuniting onscreen in Singham Again, directed by Rohit Shetty, where fans can look forward to seeing the dynamic couple in action.
The film is slated to hit the theatres on November-1 and is based on the Ramayana. The star-studded film flaunts of the longest ever trailer in Hindi Cinema.
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