November 13, 2024: Sukesh Chandrasekhar, currently imprisoned for a Rs 200 crore extortion scandal, has raised eyebrows with a letter addressed to US President – Elect Donald Trump. The letter, in which Chandrasekhar refers to Trump as “big bro,” reveals his intention to invest $135 million (Rs 1130 crore) in a Hollywood studio for Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez, whom he claims as his “lady love.”
In his handwritten note, Sukesh congratulates Trump on his recent political successes and recalls past advice allegedly given by the president elect, including, “Accept the World the way it is or see it the way you want it to be.” Chandrasekhar expresses admiration for Trump’s influence, crediting him with encouraging Sukesh to invest in a Los Angeles studio “to make Jacqueline feel special.”
This letter arrives amid legal troubles and dramatic claims by Fernandez, who, while speaking in Delhi’s Patiala House court, accused Sukesh of manipulating her emotions and “making her life hell.” She claims that Sukesh misrepresented himself through his aide, Pinky Irani, as a government official with influential connections, including a relationship with former Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalitha. According to Jacqueline, Sukesh promised her opportunities in southern cinema, which were part of a larger deceit that affected her career and personal life.
SukeshChandrasekhar, JacquelineFernandez, HollywoodInvestment, DonaldTrump, BollywoodScandal, Hollywood,