Bollywood star Deepika Padukone, soon-to-be mother with actor-husband Ranveer Singh, is delving into the art of long and short-stitch embroidery. Taking to her Instagram on Tuesday, the ‘Pathaan’ actress shared a glimpse of her latest hobby with fans. In a heartwarming post, Deepika showcased her attempt at stitching a bunch of vibrant red roses. Accompanying the picture, she expressed her hope to share the completed version soon.
Fans flooded the comment section with love and admiration as soon as Deepika shared her newfound passion. One fan reminisced, “During summer vacations, when we weren’t glued to cell phones, this was my favorite pastime.” Another fan conveyed well-wishes, saying, “I’m delighted to see you enjoying your leisure time during this special phase, Deepika. May God bless you and your baby and grant you strength.” A third fan speculated that the embroidery might be phulkari, traditionally done by pregnant mothers as a gift for their babies.
Just days ago, Deepika delighted fans with a sun-kissed picture captured by her loving husband. In the photo, she radiated joy while flaunting her back under the golden sunlight. With her journey to parenthood bringing immense joy to fans, Deepika and Ranveer’s announcement of their impending arrival in September 2024 was met with heartfelt excitement. The couple, married for over five years, eagerly anticipates the newest addition to their family.
Despite her personal bliss, Deepika continues to grace the silver screen with her luminous presence. Following her recent appearance in ‘Fighter’ alongside Hrithik Roshan, she gears up for an exciting lineup of projects, including ‘Kalki 2989 AD’ with Prabhas and the Hindi remake of ‘The Intern’ alongside veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan. Additionally, she’s set to star in Rohit Shetty’s ‘Singham 3,’ adding to the anticipation surrounding her upcoming ventures.
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