October 26, 2024: October 28, 2024, marks the first death anniversary of beloved Friends star Matthew Perry. In an emotional interview, Perry's mother, Suzanne Morrison, along with her husband and Perry's stepfather, Keith Morrison, opened up about their last conversation with the late actor. Suzanne revealed that she believes Matthew had a premonition about his passing.
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Speaking with NBC’s Today show, Suzanne recounted her final conversation with Perry, which took place shortly before his death. “He went through a period, interestingly enough, just before he died when he was showing me one of his new houses,” she recalled. The interview is set to air on Monday to honor Matthew’s memory, but a preview was shared on NBC Morning News on Friday.
According to Suzanne, there was something unusual about their conversation that hinted at what was to come. She shared, “He came up to me and said, ‘I love you so much, and I’m so happy to be with you now.’ It was almost as though it was a premonition or something. I didn’t think about it at the time, but later I realized how rare that kind of conversation was for us.”
Perry even expressed that he was no longer frightened, which left his mother feeling concerned. “There was an inevitability to what was going to happen next to him, and he felt it very strongly,” she said.
The touching interview sheds light on the sensitive and reflective side of Matthew Perry, showing how deeply he connected with his loved ones in his final days.