Farhan Akhtar celebrated the 13th anniversary of the hit film 'Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara' by sharing a series of behind-the-scenes pictures on his Instagram account on Monday. Reflecting on the film's milestone, Farhan captioned his post, "Zindagi Na the Milegi the Dobara turns 13 .. definitely as lucky as for all of us who got to make this together .. miss this crew .. miss my bwoys."
The adventure drama, directed by Zoya Akhtar, features a star-studded cast including Farhan Akhtar, Hrithik Roshan, Abhay Deol, and Katrina Kaif. Director Zoya Akhtar also commemorated the occasion by posting a behind-the-scenes picture on her Instagram, featuring Hrithik, Farhan, and Abhay. She captioned it, "13 Years and Only Love," expressing her affection for the film and its team.
Excel Entertainment, the production house behind the movie, also joined in the celebrations by sharing a heartfelt note along with video clips from the film. "Here's to bromance, adventures and pursuit of happiness. Here's to #13YearsOfZNMD," read their Instagram post.
'Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara' remains a cherished film, known for its ensemble cast and adventurous storyline. The movie follows three friends on a road trip in Spain, where they engage in thrilling activities like running with bulls, skydiving, scuba diving, and the Tomatina festival.
On the professional front, Farhan Akhtar is preparing for his next directorial venture, 'Don 3,' which has fans eagerly awaiting its release.
This post was last modified on July 15, 2024 11:32 pm
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