In a historic moment, filmmaker Kiran Rao's latest film Laapataa Ladies was screened at the Supreme Court of India on Friday as part of the activities commemorating the 75th anniversary of the court’s establishment. The event marked a significant milestone, both for the film and for the director, as this is a rare honor bestowed upon a cinematic work.
Speaking to reporters ahead of the screening, Kiran Rao expressed her deep sense of pride and gratitude. "It fills my heart with immense pride to see Laapataa Ladies making history by being screened at the Supreme Court of India. I am deeply grateful to the Honourable Chief Justice of India, D.Y. Chandrachud, for this rare honor," Rao stated.
She further shared her joy over the overwhelming response the film has received since its release. "From the beginning, we had hoped that the story of Phool and Jaya would resonate deeply, but the outpouring of love from audiences has been nothing short of extraordinary, far exceeding our expectations. Thank you all for giving our film such love and support," said Rao, as per a statement from her team.
The screening was held at the auditorium within the Supreme Court’s administrative building complex and was attended by the judges of the Supreme Court, their spouses, and members of the registry. The film, which explores the theme of gender equality, was especially chosen to align with the values celebrated during the Supreme Court’s 75th anniversary.
Prior to the screening, Kiran Rao was seen leaving from Court No. 1 of the Supreme Court after attending a hearing. The event also saw the presence of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, who co-produced the film. Khan attended the court proceedings and was welcomed by Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, who quipped, "I don't want a stampede in the court, but we welcome Mr. Aamir Khan who is here for the screening of the film." Khan observed the court's proceedings for about 30 minutes before the screening commenced.
Laapataa Ladies had previously garnered international acclaim, having premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in September 2023, where it received a standing ovation. The film stars Ravi Kishan, Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ratna, and Sparsh Shrivastav in pivotal roles and has been praised for its powerful portrayal of gender equality.
The Supreme Court’s decision to screen Laapataa Ladies underscores the film’s relevance and impact, as it continues to inspire audiences both in India and abroad. As part of the court's anniversary celebrations, the screening highlights the intersection of art and justice, where powerful narratives like Rao's contribute to the ongoing discourse on gender equality in society.