Bollywood star Kartik Aaryan celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi with a visit to Mumbai’s iconic Lalbaugcha Raja on Saturday morning. Dressed in a traditional blue shirt paired with white pants, Aaryan was seen offering prayers to Lord Ganesha on this auspicious occasion.
The actor took to Instagram to share a picture from his visit, captioning it, "HE is back… and so am I for his blessings. Modak Party Begins !!! Ganpati Bappa Morya!" The post received immense love from his fans, reflecting the festive mood.
Ganesh Chaturthi, a ten-day Hindu festival, honors Lord Ganesha, the deity of wisdom and new beginnings. The festival, widely celebrated in Maharashtra, especially in Mumbai, witnesses massive gatherings at various Ganpati pandals, with Lalbaugcha Raja being one of the most revered.
In addition to celebrating the festival, Kartik Aaryan is currently basking in the success of his film 'Chandu Champion', a sports drama directed by Kabir Khan. The film tells the inspiring story of Murlikant Petkar, India’s first Paralympic gold medalist. Aaryan is also working on upcoming films like 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3' and 'Captain India', adding to the excitement of his fans .
This post was last modified on September 7, 2024 1:55 pm
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