In the early hours of Sunday morning, a shooting incident outside Bollywood icon Salman Khan's home in Bandra caused a stir. Fortunately, Mumbai police confirmed that no injuries were reported.
According to DCP Mumbai, Raj Tilak Roushan, two unidentified individuals discharged three rounds of fire outside Salman Khan's residence at around 5 am. An investigation is ongoing, with authorities registering a case in response to the incident.
Following the occurrence, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde reached out to Salman Khan, discussing the matter and suggesting enhanced security measures. Since November 2022, Khan's security has been escalated to Y-Plus level due to perceived threats from gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar.
Despite the commotion, Salman Khan's recent film "Tiger 3," co-starring Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi, enjoyed success at the box office. Fans eagerly anticipate his next projects, including the anticipated film "The Bull" directed by Vishnuvardhan, and the action-packed "Tiger vs Pathaan," featuring Shah Rukh Khan.
This post was last modified on April 14, 2024 3:13 pm
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