Shilpa Shetty recently took to Instagram to share a heartwarming birthday tribute to her husband, Raj Kundra. In the video, Raj can be seen showcasing his energetic Bhangra dance moves while Shilpa happily joins him, matching his steps and cheering him on.
Along with the video, Shilpa wrote a sweet message for Raj, calling him her "best Bhangra dancer" and soulmate. She expressed her love, saying, "May you always dance through life, smiling away… Happy birthday, my Cookie. Love you more than you'll ever know."
Raj responded affectionately in the comments with, "Thank you my soulmate. #blessed."
The couple, who got married in 2009, share two children—Viaan, born in 2012, and Samisha, born via surrogacy in 2020. They recently participated in Ganpati visarjan celebrations, dancing joyfully alongside their daughter Samisha and Shilpa's sister, Shamita Shetty.
On the professional front, Shilpa was last seen in Indian Police Force, directed by Rohit Shetty, and will next appear in the upcoming multilingual film KD: The Devil, a period action entertainer set in 1970s Bangalore.