December 2, 2024: Bollywood actor Govinda recently opened up about his long-standing feud with nephew Krushna Abhishek, which had lasted for seven years, during an appearance on The Kapil Sharma Show. The family drama, which had strained relations between the two, was reportedly triggered by a joke Krushna made on a comedy show. Things worsened when Krushna’s wife, Kashmera Shah, got involved, leading to an unfortunate online exchange with Govinda’s wife, Sunita Ahuja.
Govinda explained the origins of the fallout, recalling an incident when he became upset over some dialogues Krushna was delivering for his shows. “I was very angry with him. I asked, ‘What are these dialogues they make him write?’ My wife, Sunita, advised me not to interfere, saying that Krushna is making money and doing his work. She told me, ‘Don’t stop anyone or do anything wrong.’” Govinda added that despite this, he wished to make amends and called on Krushna to apologise to Sunita for the past issues.
In response, Krushna expressed his regret, saying, "If there’s any sour feeling, I am sorry. I love you very, very much," acknowledging his affection for Sunita.
The two actors put their differences aside on The Kapil Sharma Show, marking the end of their “seven years of Vanvaas” (exile). Krushna described this moment as one of the best of his life, calling it a "special day" as he shared the stage with Govinda after years of strained relations. Govinda responded by referring to Krushna as a son to him and emphasising that there was never any ill will towards him.
As of now, Sunita Ahuja has not publicly commented on the reunion or the truce between the two.
#Govinda #KrushnaAbhishek #FamilyFeud #SunitaAhuja #TheKapilSharmaShow #BollywoodFamilyDrama #Truce #KashmeraShah #BollywoodNews #GovindaKrushna
This post was last modified on December 2, 2024 10:33 am
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