January 14, 2025: As the highly anticipated crime drama series Chidiya Udd gears up for its launch on Amazon MX Player on January 15, the stars of the show, including Jackie Shroff, Bhoomika Meena, and Sikandar Kher, recently shared their experiences and insights during an interview. The series, based on Aabid Surti's novel Cages, explores the gritty underworld of Mumbai, filled with crime, power struggles, and survival, and is directed by Ravi Jadhav.
Jackie Shroff, who portrays Qadir Khan in the series, reflected on his journey in the industry and the importance of mentoring newcomers. He shared a memorable anecdote from his early days in Bollywood, recalling how legendary actor Dev Anand supported him during a challenging action sequence. "One day, while I was struggling to perform an action sequence properly, and the action director scolded me a lot, Dev Sahab told the director, 'Don’t scold him, he’s a new guy… he’ll learn,'" Jackie recalled. This experience, he said, taught him the value of guidance, and he now aims to pass on that same support to others, especially newcomers.
Speaking about his approach to acting, Jackie emphasized his reliance on real-life mentors such as Dev Anand and Subhash Ghai, and his adaptability on set. "On set, I am like water—I adapt to whatever the environment or situation demands," he said, acknowledging the importance of technicians in the process.
Sikandar Kher, who plays Jackie’s son in Chidiya Udd, expressed his admiration for his co-star. "I seriously feel honoured and happy that Jaggu Da is playing my dad," Sikandar shared, noting the long-standing connection between the two.
Bhoomika Meena, who plays the lead role of Seher, reflected on her journey with the series and the surprise of working alongside such esteemed actors. "When I found out I would be working with such a stellar cast, it was truly special. It was a great experience," she said. Bhoomika also shared a heartwarming memory from her early days with Sikandar Kher on set, recalling how they both ended up working together on Chidiya Udd after having crossed paths in previous projects.
The series promises a gripping exploration of the underworld, with Seher’s character fighting to break free from its clutches. Bhoomika spoke passionately about portraying Seher, describing her as a fighter who refuses to succumb to the challenges around her. "The challenges Seher faces are daunting, but her strength and determination shine through. I hope the audience connects with her spirit and the choices she makes," she said.
Jackie, too, spoke about his role as Qadir Khan, describing it as both challenging and rewarding. "The world of Chidiya Udd is full of twists and turns. It’s a place where survival is the ultimate game, and every character is fighting their own battle," he shared.
Fans can watch Chidiya Udd for free on Amazon MX Player starting January 15, as it promises to be a thrilling journey into Mumbai's unforgiving underworld.