Actor Janhvi Kapoor's latest film, "Ulajh," has not only captivated audiences with its gripping storyline but also showcased Kapoor's intense dedication to her role. In a key scene shot in Bhopal, Janhvi, who portrays an IFS officer in the film, ran 1,000 meters barefoot through the city's narrow and crowded streets, demonstrating her commitment to authenticity and realism.
The film's PR team, Universal Communications, shared insights into this challenging shoot through a press note. Director Sudhanshu Saria elaborated on the difficulties faced during the filming of this crucial scene. "Our movie was extensively shot in London, but the most critical climax scene was shot in Bhopal. The night before our shoot, the set that was built got destroyed due to rain. We had to prep the location again and had a very small window to shoot this essential sequence," he explained.
Saria highlighted Janhvi's professionalism and dedication, stating, "Before we began, Janhvi and I discussed Suhana's mindset for the scene. As soon as the camera started rolling, Janhvi became so absorbed in her role that every step she took reflected her character, Suhana. By the end of the shoot, despite visible injuries from running barefoot on the rugged road, she was so immersed in her character that she barely felt the pain."
Janhvi's transformation from a polished diplomat to a rugged officer defending her country was seamless, and her performance left a lasting impression on everyone involved in the shoot. Her dedication to the role and her ability to endure physical discomfort to deliver an authentic performance were praised by the director and crew.
"Ulajh," an espionage thriller produced by Junglee Pictures, also stars Gulshan Devaiah and Roshan Mathew. The film follows Suhana Bhatia, the youngest Deputy High Commissioner, as she navigates a challenging mission in London. The cast includes Adil Hussain, Meiyang Chang, Rajendra Gupta, and Jitendra Joshi. Written by Sudhanshu Saria and Parveez Shaikh, with dialogues by Atika Chauhan, the film promises to be a riveting addition to the espionage thriller genre.
Janhvi Kapoor's commitment to her craft and her remarkable performance in "Ulajh" have set a new benchmark for dedication and realism in Bollywood. As fans eagerly await the film's release, her barefoot run in the climax scene stands as a testament to her passion for acting and her willingness to go the extra mile to bring her character to life.