Like many fans, Kajol adores the iconic film 'Sholay'. On Cinema Lovers' Day, the actress took to Instagram to share her all-time favorite film. "My favorite film of all time that I can pick up anytime, anywhere and watch at any time, is Sholay," Kajol expressed in the video. She praised the film, saying, "I absolutely love the film, I love the characters. It's like the most perfect book come to life. But thank god it wasn't a book."
Directed by Ramesh Sippy, 'Sholay' was released in 1975 and became a blockbuster. The film stars Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Hema Malini, Amjad Khan, Sanjeev Kumar, and Jaya Bachchan. It tells the story of Thakur Baldev Singh (Sanjeev Kumar) enlisting the help of Jai (Amitabh Bachchan) and Veeru (Dharmendra) to defeat the bandit Gabbar Singh (Amjad Khan).
Kajol also revealed her favorite English film, the 1965 classic 'The Sound of Music'. "I have too many films to choose from. But I recently sat down and watched The Sound of Music. I loved the music, I loved the characters. I sat spellbound throughout those entire three hours," she shared, adding that she was so hooked she didn't even take breaks to drink water.