Kangana Ranaut has officially signed on to star in a new film titled "Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata."
The announcement was made by trade analyst Taran Adarsh, who revealed that Kangana will play the central role in this film. Directed by Manoj Tapadia and produced by Babita Ashiwal (Eunoia Films) and Adi Sharmaa (Floating Rocks Entertainment), the film aims to highlight the extraordinary achievements of ordinary people, focusing on the working-class heroes and blue-collar employees who are essential to the functioning of the country.
Babita Ashiwal expressed her excitement about collaborating with Kangana, stating that working on this project has been incredibly rewarding and that they aim to create content that resonates with audiences.
This announcement comes as Kangana awaits certification for her upcoming film "Emergency," which explores the life of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during the 21-month emergency period from 1975 to 1977. Recently, Kangana took to social media to clarify that "Emergency" is still pending certification from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) due to controversies surrounding certain scenes. She mentioned that the film faced pressure to remove specific content related to Indira Gandhi’s assassination and the Punjab riots.
While waiting for the release of "Emergency," Kangana’s involvement in "Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata" adds to her diverse filmography and continues her engagement with impactful stories in Indian cinema.
This post was last modified on September 3, 2024 12:47 pm
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