Renowned actor Kareena Kapoor Khan has expressed her profound sorrow and condemnation following the recent terrorist attack on a bus carrying pilgrims in Jammu and Kashmir's Reasi district. Taking to Instagram, the 'Jab We Met' star shared her heartfelt sentiments, stating, "Heartbroken. The attack in Reasi is a reminder that humanity suffers when violence prevails."
The tragic incident has drawn widespread reactions from the film industry, with fellow actors Alia Bhatt and Priyanka Chopra also voicing their grief and outrage. Alia Bhatt took to social media, saying, "This is heartbreaking. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Violence against the innocent shakes the very core of our humanity." Priyanka Chopra described the incident as "heinous," adding, "Devastated. This heinous attack on innocent pilgrims is horrific. Why civilians and children?! It's so hard to comprehend the hatred we're around the world."
The Reasi terror attack, which occurred around 6:10 PM as the bus traveled from the Shiv Khori shrine to Katra, resulted in the deaths of at least 10 people and injuries to 33 others. Reasi Deputy Commissioner Vishesh Mahajan confirmed the casualties and emphasized the swift response of rescue operations. "Terrorists opened fire, causing the driver to lose control and the bus to plunge into a gorge," explained Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Reasi, Mohita Sharma. The injured were promptly transported to Naraina and Reasi District hospitals for treatment.
Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha condemned the attack and vowed action against those responsible. "I strongly condemn the cowardly terror attack on a bus in Reasi. My condolences to the family members of the martyred civilians. Our security forces and JKP have launched a joint operation to hunt down the terrorists," he stated in a post on X. He further reassured that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is closely monitoring the situation and has directed that the injured receive the best possible medical care.
In a poignant recounting of the attack, Ranjit Singh, manager of the bus booking company, hailed the bravery of the bus driver, who sacrificed his life to protect the passengers. Singh shared, "The bus used to ply from Katra to Shiv Khori daily. We never thought this could happen to our vehicle. As soon as the bus left in the morning, we received a call at 5 o'clock that there had been firing on our vehicle... Passengers told us that the militant got into the bus and told the driver to make the passengers deboard. The driver sensed that the man was a militant. He refused and sped up the bus. The militant fired a bullet, and when the driver didn't stop, he shot him in the head. Then the conductor took hold of the steering but was also shot. The bus lost balance and fell into a gorge."
Singh emphasized the driver's heroism, noting, "Had the driver not shown a presence of mind, no passenger would have survived. They might have even set the bus on fire. The driver did well and sacrificed himself for the 40 passengers."
The attack has left a deep scar on the community and elicited a wave of empathy and solidarity from across the nation. As investigations continue and security measures are reinforced, the collective hope remains for peace and the cessation of such violent acts against innocent civilians.
This post was last modified on June 11, 2024 11:38 pm
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