Actress Kiara Advani set social media abuzz on Tuesday with a captivating photo, drawing admiration from fans and catching the attention of her 'Kabir Singh' co-star Shahid Kapoor.
Sharing the stunning snapshot on her Instagram, Kiara exuded elegance as she enjoyed a sip of coffee, adorned in a chic white ensemble.
Instantly, fans flooded the comments section with compliments, praising Kiara's beauty and style. "How gorgeous," exclaimed one admirer, while another chimed in with, "Ki, you look beautiful."
However, it was Shahid Kapoor's comment that sparked intrigue. Rather than focusing on Kiara's appearance, Shahid jokingly remarked about the familiar sofa in the background, adding a touch of humor to the conversation.
Notably, actor Varun Dhawan also joined in, complimenting Kiara's accessories with a comment, "Nice glasses."
On the professional front, Kiara's upcoming projects have generated considerable buzz. She is set to share the screen with Ram Charan in 'Game Changer', where Ram Charan portrays an IAS Officer ascending to the role of Chief Minister, promising an enthralling narrative. Additionally, Kiara is slated to star opposite Ranveer Singh in Farhan Akhtar's highly anticipated 'Don 3', further adding to the excitement surrounding her versatile performances.