Kichcha Sudeep is set to reunite with director Anup Bhandari for their upcoming film Billa Ranga Baasha. Following their successful collaboration on Vikrant Rona, the duo is teaming up once again, this time for a futuristic narrative that has already piqued interest.
The makers unveiled the concept video on September 2, coinciding with Kichcha Sudeep's 51st birthday, adding a special touch to the occasion.
The concept video provides an intriguing glimpse into the world of Billa Ranga Baasha, which is set in the year 2209 AD. The visuals depict iconic landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, and the Taj Mahal in a dystopian, dislocated state, hinting at a dark and intense storyline. The video starts with fans eagerly asking Sudeep about his upcoming projects, followed by a sneak peek into the film’s ambitious scale and futuristic setting.
Directed by Anup Bhandari and produced by K Niranjan Reddy and Chaithanya Reddy under Primeshow Entertainment, the film promises to be a major production, echoing the success of Vikrant Rona and aiming to surpass it. Anup Bhandari expressed his excitement about working with Sudeep again, stating that the project carries even greater expectations, especially with Sudeep calling it his biggest film to date.
The film will be released in multiple languages, catering to a broad audience. While further details about the cast and plot are yet to be revealed, the concept video has successfully created a buzz, and fans are eagerly awaiting more updates as the production progresses.