In Bollywood, Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani are among the cutest pairs. Recently, Kiara discussed her relationship with Sidharth in an appearance on the well-known talk show "Koffee With Karan 8" (KWK). She listed her favorite things about him as well as her pet peeves. "I adore how he (Sidharth Malhotra) values people," the woman exclaimed. He constantly stresses me out when I have to get ready for an event because he's never ready and he takes his frustrations on me. I have to admit that I usually arrive on time. Furthermore, I have no hate. There's nothing about him to be hateful of." She also talked about how Sidharth Malhotra used the line "Shershaah" to propose to her. "We had just returned from Rome when Sid appeared in that episode (from the previous season), where he proposed to me," she stated. My parents weren't there. It was the first family vacation for his family and mine."
Kiara revealed, "I was a little bit inclined to think he would pop the question. When I told him that he needed to talk to my parents, he remarked, "Are you kidding me?" Yes, you should ask them first and get their permission. Let's do this the proper way, I said. They'll be content. Sadly, my mother's COVID prevented her from traveling with us. I thus accompanied his parents."
She went on, "It did come as a surprise because I had no idea where we would be going on this trip, and I was hoping he would pop the question because I've built it up, but even if he doesn't, I hope he does it now that I've built it up." Thus, it was the first place we visited while travelling there. His nephew, who was meant to take pictures and record the moment, accompanied us when he took us to this Michelin-starred restaurant. I'm tired because I just landed and came along for the ride with them. I was so very tired. Additionally, he planned the works. He's done this dinner under the candles on top. After supper, we return."
"He's taking me for a walk when all of a sudden, a violinist appears from the bushes and starts to play. His nephew then takes our video out of the bushes, and Sid kneels down to pop the question. I felt completely overpowered. 'Dilli ka sidha sadha launda hu (I'm a simple boy from Delhi)' is the first line he says in the 'Shershaah' line." On February 7, Sidharth and Kiara got married at Suryagarh Palace in Rajasthan in a small ceremony. While filming "Shershaah," they fell in love. Regarding his career, Sidharth will be seen in his next movie, "Yodha." In addition, he will be making his online debut in the soon-to-be web series "Indian Police Force."
The series, which is directed by Rohit Shetty and features vital roles for Vivek Oberoi and Shilpa Shetty, will only be available for streaming on the over-the-top service Amazon Prime Video. (ANI)
Kiara is set to feature in two upcoming films: "Game Changer," starring Ram Charan from "RRR," and "War 2," an action thriller starring Hrithik Roshan and Jr NTR.