Designer Rahul Mishra's show at India Couture Week 2024 was a nostalgic event, as his muse, Lisa Ray, graced the ramp to the live rendition of her iconic song 'Afreen Afreen' from the nineties. This iconic ghazal song, composed by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and penned by Javed Akhtar, continues to captivate audiences with its poetic and soothing charm. The song was revitalized in 2016 by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Nusrat’s nephew, and Momina Mustehsan during Season 9 of Coke Studio.
Lisa Ray, who became widely recognized for her appearance in the original 'Afreen Afreen' music video, shared her feelings about the song and its lasting impact on her life. In an interview with ANI, she opened up about her initial irritation when people associated her solely with the song.
"It's interesting because today's memory will now replace previous memories," Lisa said, reflecting on her experience at the fashion show. "I had a beautiful experience filming the video, and then the song took on a life of its own as far as the video is concerned. Somewhere, I disconnected from it because I didn't want to identify with who I was, that young girl anymore. I had traveled so far beyond that."
Lisa admitted that she used to get irritated when people would bring up 'Afreen Afreen'. "People would say, 'Afreen Afreen, don't you love that song?' and I would respond, 'I haven't listened to it.' This experience has given me a chance to really reclaim it for myself. It's a beautiful memory to overlay with all the other memories I have of filming 'Afreen'."
At Rahul Mishra's show, Lisa walked the ramp in a stunning saree-gown, featuring a captivating peacock-themed train. This exquisite outfit was part of Rahul Mishra's 'Nargis' collection, which highlights the designer's intimate bond with nature. The collection draws inspiration from the experiences of caressing flowers and fruit in a garden and listening to the birds chirping.
Lisa's participation in the show not only brought back memories of the iconic song but also allowed her to create new, cherished moments. Her journey from the young girl in the 'Afreen Afreen' video to the accomplished woman she is today reflects her growth and transformation, both personally and professionally.
Rahul Mishra's 'Nargis' collection, presented by Lisa Ray, celebrated this evolution, blending nostalgia with a fresh, contemporary perspective. The show was a testament to the timeless appeal of 'Afreen Afreen' and Lisa's enduring influence in the world of fashion and entertainment.