"After a slow Monday, Sonu Sood’s directorial debut sees renewed audience interest on Makar Sankranti, earning ₹1.6 crore on Day 5."
Sonu Sood’s action-packed directorial debut ‘Fateh’ saw a slight rise in box office collections on its fifth day, thanks to the Makar Sankranti festival. The film, which tackles the theme of cybercrime, has earned a total of ₹9.30 crore at the domestic box office and is now closing in on the ₹10 crore milestone.
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Day 5 Box Office Performance
On Tuesday, the film earned ₹1.60 crore, a modest recovery from its first Monday collection of ₹95 lakh. While the movie crossed the ₹2 crore mark during its opening weekend (Friday to Sunday), it struggled during the weekdays but regained some momentum on the festival holiday.
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Competition at the Box Office
‘Fateh’ faces tough competition from several big-ticket South Indian releases, including:
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- The Hindi-dubbed version of S Shankar’s ‘Game Changer’
- Bobby Kolli’s Telugu action-drama ‘Daaku Maharaaj’
- Haneef Adeni’s Malayalam thriller ‘Marco’
- Sukumar’s blockbuster sequel ‘Pushpa 2: The Rise’
Adding to its challenges, Kangana Ranaut’s political thriller ‘Emergency’ releases later this week, which could further impact ‘Fateh’s’ box office prospects.
About ‘Fateh’
‘Fateh’ draws inspiration from real-life instances of cybercrime during the COVID-19 pandemic. The film stars Jacqueline Fernandez, Vijay Raaz, and Naseeruddin Shah alongside Sonu Sood. Co-produced by Shakti Sagar Productions and Zee Studios, the movie has been praised for its gripping action sequences.
Speaking about his vision as a director, Sonu Sood said, “I wanted to create action sequences that could rival international cinema. As an actor, I always felt restricted by production budgets and scripts. But as a director, I ensured my vision for top-notch action came to life in ‘Fateh.’”
Suggested Tags:
Fateh, Sonu Sood, Jacqueline Fernandez, Bollywood Box Office, Makar Sankranti Releases, Cybercrime Movie, Bollywood Action, Zee Studios, Bollywood Debut Direction, Emergency, Pushpa 2 Competition