The public and actor Mahesh Babu attended a theatre to watch “Guntur Kaaram.” With his devoted followers by his side, the South African superstar was seen enjoying the show. Under the direction of Trivikram Srinivas, the actor and director previously worked together on the critically acclaimed films “Athadu” and “Khaleja.” After the long wait of 12 years, the duo is all set to reunite once again for a big-budget project. In addition to Mahesh Babu, Sreeleela, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Jagapathi Babu, Ramya Krishnan, Jayaram, Prakashraj, and Sunil also star in this action-drama.
Mahesh Babu previously revealed the movie’s title and teaser in May as a way to honour his father and actor Krishna on the occasion of his birth anniversary. The movie’s initial working title was SSMB28. January 13 is the day the film opens in theatres. Mahesh Babu can be seen in the video going into action mode at Mirchi Yard while holding a stick. Mahesh Babu, in his trademark fashion, lights up a smoke with two matchsticks and thunders, “Endi Atta Soosthunnav… Beedi 3D Lo Kanabaduthundaa…” A tribute to renowned actor Krishna occurs at the end of the teaser.
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