Smriti Irani, who famously defeated Rahul Gandhi in 2019, lost to Congress candidate Kishori Lal Sharma in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections by a margin of 1,67,196 votes. Following her defeat for the Amethi Lok Sabha seat, Irani took to Instagram to pen a heartfelt post about her decade-long dedication to the constituency, highlighting her efforts in building infrastructure and nurturing hope.
Irani expressed gratitude to her supporters, stating, “To those who stood by me through loss and victory, I am forever grateful. To those celebrating today, congratulations. And to those asking, ‘How’s the josh?’ I say- it’s still high, Sir.”
Support poured in from the entertainment world, with Mouni Roy, her co-star from ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’, commenting, “Always with you .” Neena Gupta encouraged her with, “Keep working hard, that’s it,” while Sonu Sood and Aashka Goradia also showed their support.
In a press conference, Irani reaffirmed her commitment to serving Amethi and expressed her gratitude to BJP workers and supporters. “I will continue to be in the service of the people of Amethi,” she said. “We will strengthen the organization and continue to work with devotion.”