December 16, 2024: In a chilling series of events, four members of a kidnapping gang have been arrested for abducting actor Mushtaq Mohammad Khan at Delhi airport and holding him captive in Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh. The gang had also plotted to kidnap veteran actor Shakti Kapoor, but their plans fell apart over a disagreement on advance payments.
According to Bijnor Superintendent of Police Abhishek Jha, actor Mushtaq Khan—known for his roles in Hum Hain Rahi Pyaar Ke and Welcome—was lured under the pretense of attending an event in Meerut. On October 15, one of the kidnappers, Lavi alias Rahul Saini, sent Khan an advance of ₹25,000 and an air ticket for the trip.
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Upon landing at Delhi airport on November 20, Khan was met by a cab driver who transported him to a midway stop, where he was forcibly transferred into another vehicle. There, additional gang members joined and revealed he had been kidnapped. The actor was held hostage at Lavi’s residence, where the criminals took his bank account details and password.
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However, the next morning, when the intoxicated kidnappers fell asleep, Mushtaq Khan managed to escape and reached a nearby mosque. Locals contacted his family, enabling him to return home safely. Despite his escape, the gang withdrew ₹2.2 lakh from his bank account while shopping in Meerut and Muzaffarnagar the following day.
The investigation uncovered that the gang had also plotted to kidnap veteran actor Shakti Kapoor under similar circumstances. Kapoor was offered ₹5 lakh to attend an event, but negotiations collapsed when the actor requested a higher advance payment. This disagreement likely saved Kapoor from becoming the gang’s next victim.
The arrested suspects—Sarthak Chaudhary, Sabiuddin, Azim, and Shashank—were found to be part of an organized operation targeting celebrities through fake event invitations. Police recovered ₹1.04 lakh from the gang and are pursuing Lavi, the mastermind behind the operation.
Authorities are also probing the gang’s potential involvement in other abductions, including that of comedian Sunil Pal. In a related incident, one kidnapper, Arjun, was shot and injured during a police encounter in Meerut. Arjun had attempted to escape custody by snatching a police officer’s pistol and firing indiscriminately.
The revelations highlight a disturbing trend of criminals exploiting event invitations to kidnap high-profile individuals. Police are intensifying efforts to dismantle the network, track down remaining suspects, and ensure the safety of targeted individuals.
#ShaktiKapoor, #MushtaqKhan, #CelebrityKidnapping, #UPCrime, #FakeEventScam, #BijnorPolice, #BollywoodNews, #CrimeInvestigation, #SunilPalCase,
This post was last modified on December 16, 2024 8:37 am
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