Veteran actor Paresh Rawal has unveiled his latest project, 'The Taj Story'. Announcing the film on his X account, Rawal shared a poster and revealed that shooting will begin on July 20, 2024. The film is produced by CA Suresh Jha, written and directed by Tushar Amrish Goel, with Vikas Radhesham as the creative producer, under the banner of Swarnim Global Services Pvt. Ltd.
As soon as the announcement was made, fans expressed their excitement and support in the comments. One user wrote, "All the best sir, looking forward for some interesting story to unfold," while another commented, "All the very best for your next movie sir."
'The Taj Story' promises to offer a compelling narrative about the history and significance of the iconic Taj Mahal, delving into its rich heritage and timeless beauty. This project aims to be a tribute to one of India's most cherished landmarks.
In addition to 'The Taj Story', Paresh Rawal will also appear in the coming-of-age Bollywood drama-comedy 'Badtameez Gill', starring Vaani Kapoor. Set in Bareilly and London, the film is directed by Navjot Gulati and produced by Nickky Bhagnani, Viicky Bhagnani, Vinay Aggarwal, Ankur Takrani, and Akshad Ghone. 'Badtameez Gill' also features Aparshakti Khurrana.
This post was last modified on May 29, 2024 4:23 pm
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