In the wake of the triumph of 'Amar Singh Chamkila', actress Parineeti Chopra made a spiritual visit to the Siddhivinayak Temple on Wednesday, seeking blessings for her journey ahead. On the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, Parineeti graced the temple premises in Mumbai with her presence, offering her heartfelt prayers. Captured by Mumbai-based paparazzi, Parineeti radiated grace in a pristine white ensemble paired with elegant silver accessories and matching footwear.
Before departing, she expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming love showered upon her latest cinematic venture, stating, "Thank you so much, aap logon ne Chamkila ko bhi bahut pyaar diya hai." She also sweetly shared sweets with the paparazzi. Touched by the outpouring of appreciation, Parineeti found herself moved to tears, as she received acclaim for her portrayal of Amarjot in 'Amar Singh Chamkila'. In a touching gesture, the actress penned a heartfelt note for her fans, conveying her emotions and gratitude. Taking to Instagram, Parineeti shared captivating stills from the film's sets alongside her heartfelt message. Her note resonated, "Curled up in my blanket.
Overwhelmed with your words, calls, and movie reviews. (tears are not stopping)"PARINEETI IS BACK." These words are ringing loud. Hadn't thought of this. Yes I am back, and not going anywhere!#Chamkila." Directed by Imtiaz Ali, 'Amar Singh Chamkila' unveils the untold saga of Punjab's original rockstar, who transcended poverty to become a musical sensation in the 80s, albeit stirring controversies that eventually led to his tragic demise at a young age. Diljit Dosanjh portrays the titular role of 'Chamkila,' while Parineeti mesmerizes as Amar Singh Chamkila's wife, Amarjot Kaur. The film is currently available for streaming on Netflix, captivating audiences with its riveting narrative and soulful music.