Celebrity couple Nick Jonas and Piryanka Chopra recently commemorated the second birthday of their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. The 'Don' star posted a series of images from her daughter's second birthday celebration on Instagram on Wednesday. "She is our miracle," she said as the post's caption. And she's two," I added a red heart and clasped hands emoticon after that.
Little Malti was seen wearing a large garland and a white outfit in the first image. She added a green bindi to finish her ensemble. She shared a photo from her daughter's birthday celebration in the following post, in which Malti is seen sporting heart-shaped sunglasses. In the following photo, the actor from "Bajirao Mastani" is seen holding Malti in her arms while the panditji performs a puja for her in front of a goddess. Along for the temple visit, the actor's mother Madhu Chopra and husband Nick Jonas prayed to God for their daughter's wellbeing. The family is shown in the following pictures enjoying a pleasant day at the beach with their dog.
Priyanka's friends and admirers quickly flooded the comment area with love hearts and heartfelt birthday greetings for the tiny munchkin, following her release of the photos. Dia Mirza wished the birthday girl a happy birthday. "Happy birthday, beautiful baby girl!" exclaimed Lara Dutta. On December 1 and 2, 2018, Priyanka and Nick Jonas tied the knot in Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur during a Christian and a Hindu ceremony. The couple later threw two celebrations in Mumbai and Delhi. The couple declared in January 2022 that they had adopted Malti Marie as a daughter through surrogacy. In the meantime, she will star with John Cena and Idris Elba in "Heads of State" in the upcoming months. Regarding Bollywood, she will appear with Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt in Farhan Akhtar's upcoming film, "Jee Le Zaraa."