Megastar Rajinikanth took to social media on Saturday to lavish praise on Nag Ashwin’s directorial masterpiece, “Kalki 2898 AD.” Sharing his thoughts on his X handle, he expressed his admiration for the film’s grandeur and cinematic brilliance. He wrote, “Watched Kalki. WOW! What an epic movie! Director @nagashwin7 has taken Indian Cinema to a different level. Hearty congratulations to my dear friend @AswiniDutt @SrBachchan @PrabhasRaju @ikamalhaasan @deepikapadukone and the team of #Kalki2898AD. Eagerly awaiting Part 2. God Bless.”
Rajinikanth wasn’t the only one impressed by the film. Nagarjuna Akkineni also praised the movie on his X account, stating, “Congratulations to the team of Super duper #Kalki2898AD!! Naagi, you took us to another time and another place, entwining fiction with mythology and history so effortlessly!!” He commended the performances of Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Kamal Haasan, and Prabhas, saying, “Amit Ji, the original mass hero… Sir, you are on fire. Can’t wait to see Kamalji in the sequel… did not get enough of him! Prabhas, you did it all over again!! Deepika ji, you look so ethereal and convincing as the divine mother!! And the rest of the team. Ashwini Dutt Garu, dear sweety, and Swapna, God bless you! Indian cinema has done it again!!”
“Kalki 2898 AD” enjoyed a phenomenal opening, grossing Rs 191.5 crore worldwide on its first day. Directed by Nag Ashwin, the film is a post-apocalyptic, mythology-inspired sci-fi epic set in the year 2898 AD. The star-studded cast includes Amitabh Bachchan, Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, Kamal Haasan, and Disha Patani. The film blends futuristic themes with ancient Hindu scriptures, creating a unique cinematic experience.
Meanwhile, Rajinikanth is set to appear in the upcoming film “Coolie.” While details about “Coolie” remain scarce, the teaser hints at an action-packed role for Rajinikanth, who wields a belt made of gold watches to confront goons. The monochrome teaser with gold accents has left fans intrigued. “Coolie” marks the first collaboration between Lokesh Kanagaraj and Rajinikanth and is backed by Sun Pictures. The film reportedly features Sivakarthikeyan in a pivotal role, with music composed by Anirudh Ravichander. The release date is yet to be announced.
Additionally, Rajinikanth will star in “Vettaiyan” alongside Amitabh Bachchan. Directed by TJ Gnanavel, “Vettaiyan” marks Rajinikanth’s 170th film and is slated for a worldwide release in October this year. Recently, both Rajinikanth and Amitabh were seen filming scenes together in Mumbai, heightening anticipation for this much-awaited collaboration.
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