Actor Rakul Preet Singh, currently promoting her upcoming film ‘Indian 2’, recently engaged with fans in a Q&A session on Instagram Stories. During the session, a fan inquired about her marriage plans, to which Rakul humorously responded by posting an adorable picture from her wedding with actor Jackky Bhagnani in traditional attire. She captioned the post, “Ho gai hai bhai! Kitni baar karaoge (It’s already happened, guys! How many times do you want it to happen?)”
Rakul and Jackky tied the knot in a private ceremony in Goa on February 21. They had two ceremonies, following Sikh and Sindhi traditions, and both wore designer Tarun Tahiliani’s wedding attire. The event was attended by family members and close friends, including Bollywood celebrities like Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff, Shilpa Shetty, Arjun Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, and Esha Deol.
During the Q&A, another fan asked if she watched the thrilling final match between India and South Africa in the T20 World Cup. Rakul replied by sharing a time-lapse video celebrating India’s victory with her husband and friends, captioned, “Yessss and that’s how we watched it.”
When a third fan inquired about her return to the Telugu film industry, Rakul expressed her eagerness to work in Telugu cinema again, stating she misses it and is awaiting an exciting script.
Regarding her upcoming film, ‘Indian 2’ is the sequel to the 1996 film ‘Indian’, which also starred Kamal Haasan as Veerasekaran Senapathy. The franchise brings back Kamal and director S Shankar for the sequel, with Sidharth, Rakul Preet Singh, and Kajal Aggarwal also part of the cast. The film’s music is composed by Anirudh Ravichander, and the writing team includes Jayamohan, Kabilan Vairamuthu, and Lakshmi Saravanakumar. The first poster of ‘Indian 2’ was unveiled during the Pongal festival in 2020. Produced by Lyca Productions and Red Giant Movies, ‘Indian 2’ is set to release on July 12, 2024, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.
This post was last modified on July 3, 2024 5:57 pm
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