December 3, 2024: Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma is facing legal trouble due to a social media post related to Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leaders, including Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu, his son Nara Lokesh, and daughter-in-law Brahmani. The case stems from a tweet he allegedly posted nearly a year ago, though Varma claims he has no memory of it and asserts that he has posted over a thousand tweets since then.
The complaint was filed by TDP Mandal secretary Ramalingam in Prakasam district, prompting an investigation under the Information Technology (IT) Act. The controversy appears to be linked to the promotion of Varma's movie Vyuham, which may have included the controversial content.
Varma has denied any wrongdoing, calling the case part of a conspiracy, and suggested that rumors are being spread through the media. The police investigation is ongoing, and further details are expected as it progresses.
Ram Gopal Varma is known for his work on films such as Rangeela, Company, and Satya, and he has a history of stirring controversies with his bold and unconventional statements and content, both in films and on social media.