"Filmmaker RGV claims Telangana’s ‘weak prosecution’ amplified Allu Arjun’s popularity as the star addresses the Sandhya Theatre tragedy."
Hyderabad (Telangana), December 14: The controversy surrounding Allu Arjun’s arrest following the Sandhya Theatre tragedy during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule has sparked widespread speculation. Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma (RGV) took to X (formerly Twitter) to claim that the arrest was a calculated move to boost the film’s box office performance in its second week.
RGV suggested that the Telangana government’s actions were designed to amplify Allu Arjun’s fame. "Regarding everybody's SURPRISE SHOCK about why the Honourable Chief Minister of TELANGANA @revanth_anumala did this to @alluarjun, I think it is because he wanted to give a BIG PUBLICITY BOOST to the Telangana state's FAVOURITE SON for a HUGE RISE in #Pushpa2 's week 2 's collections," he wrote.
He further alleged that the state deliberately orchestrated a weak prosecution to ensure the actor’s release. "This explains why the STATE did such a deliberately weak PROSECUTION so that he could be BAILED OUT in a few hours and become even more MEGA POPULAR to RULE the BOX OFFICE for a LOOONG LOOOOONGGG TIME," RGV added.
Thanking Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, RGV concluded, "Thank you shri @revanth_anumula garu, for holding the TELANGANA STATE'S PRIDE as SUPER HIGH as #Pushpa2 's SUPER COLLECTIONS."
Sandhya Theatre Tragedy
The incident occurred on December 4 at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule. A massive crowd gathered to see Allu Arjun, leading to chaos when the actor waved from the sunroof of his vehicle. The pandemonium tragically resulted in the death of a woman named Revathi, with her son sustaining injuries.
The Telangana High Court granted bail to Allu Arjun on Friday, but procedural delays kept him in jail overnight. Speaking to the media after his release on Saturday morning, Allu Arjun expressed gratitude for the support he received.
"I thank everyone for the love and support. I want to thank all my fans. There is nothing to worry about. I am fine. I am a law-abiding citizen and will cooperate. I would like to once again express my condolences to the family. It was an unfortunate incident. We are sorry for what happened," he said.
A Career High for Allu Arjun
Despite the controversy, Allu Arjun is riding high on the success of Pushpa 2: The Rule, directed by Sukumar. The film has been a massive box office success, and the actor’s popularity continues to soar.
As debates about accountability and crowd management persist, RGV’s claims add another layer of intrigue to the narrative surrounding the incident and its aftermath.