January 3, 2025: Ranveer Singh’s latest look has set the internet ablaze, with the actor’s rugged transformation from his usual flamboyant style to a more intense, raw persona. The leaked images, which appear to be from the sets of Aditya Dhar’s upcoming film, have fans buzzing with excitement and drawing strong comparisons to his iconic portrayal of Alauddin Khalji in Padmaavat (2018).
In the photos, Ranveer sports a long beard, untamed hair, and in some images, a turban. His appearance, marked by a rugged kurta, bulging biceps, and an intense gaze, exudes a sense of power and fierceness. Standing alongside other men in what appears to be an action-packed rural town setting, Ranveer looks every bit the part of a leader or warrior figure—prompting fans to speculate that this look is from his character in Dhurandhar, a project directed by Aditya Dhar.
The parallels between this new look and his portrayal of the ruthless Alauddin Khalji are striking. His intense demeanor and physical transformation have already stirred up memories of the Khalji character’s powerful presence. One viewer remarked, “Sardar look mein bhi Khilji wali intensity,” referring to the similarity in intensity between his new character and his Padmaavat role. Other fans echoed this sentiment, excitedly anticipating the return of the actor’s potent on-screen presence, with one fan commenting, “I still can’t get over how amazing Ranveer looked as #Khilji! So excited to see him bring that power back!”
The leaked images have further fueled speculations that this character could be from Dhurandhar, a film that Ranveer and Aditya Dhar had previously teased. The director, known for his success with Uri: The Surgical Strike, is working on this new project with a stellar ensemble cast that includes Sanjay Dutt, R. Madhavan, Akshaye Khanna, and Arjun Rampal. Fans are eagerly awaiting the film, which is expected to offer a cinematic experience like no other.
Ranveer had earlier posted a black-and-white collage on Instagram, featuring the cast of Dhurandhar, with a heartfelt message expressing his gratitude towards his fans. He teased the project by promising a “cinematic experience like never before,” and hinted that this one would be “personal” for him, reflecting his dedication to bringing something fresh and powerful to the big screen.
Given the buzz surrounding these images and the anticipation for the film, it seems like Ranveer Singh is ready to deliver yet another unforgettable performance, one that will certainly be remembered by audiences for its intensity and raw energy.