In a historic moment for Indian fashion, ace designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee became the first from India to walk the prestigious Met Gala carpet, making a significant mark at one of fashion’s grandest stages. Attending the event on Tuesday, Sabyasachi donned an exquisite “embroidered cotton duster coat from the Sabyasachi Resort 2024 collection,” which he elegantly paired with an array of jewels including tourmalines, pearls, emeralds, and diamonds from the Sabyasachi High Jewellery line.
Sabyasachi captured his memorable moments at the Met Gala and shared them on his official Instagram account, where he is seen posing confidently for photographers on the vibrant streets of New York City. His appearance garnered widespread admiration from fans and followers around the world. One social media user exclaimed, “The legend himself prakating as himself,” while another praised, “Congratulations…you are a legend.”
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