Salma Khan, the mother of superstar Salman Khan, recently turned 81 years old. On this momentous day, her son-in-law Atul Agnihotri and daughter Arpita Khan sent her their best wishes. Atul posted a charming video of herself slicing a large cake. She is seen in the video with several of her loved ones, including Helen, Arpita Khan, and Sohail. "Happiest 81st Birthday Mother in Law" is what Atul captioned the video when she shared it.
Bobby Deol commented heart emojis in his post. Along with wishing her a happy birthday, Arpita shared a photo of herself with the caption, "Happy birthday to the world's best mommy & nani." We cherish you.
Salim Khan, a seasoned screenwriter, married Salma in November 1964. Salman Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Sohail Khan, and Alvira are their four children. Salim remarried actress Helen in 1981. Arpita Khan is their daughter as well. Helen had previously talked about how she met Salim Khan and her relationship with his family on Arbaaz Khan's talk show.
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This post was last modified on December 9, 2023 11:46 am
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