January 3, 2025: The bail hearing for Pushpa 2 actor Allu Arjun, in connection with the Sandhya Theatre stampede case, is scheduled for Friday at Hyderabad’s Nampally court. This case has drawn significant attention, given the tragic incident that occurred during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule on December 4, when a massive crowd gathered to catch a glimpse of Allu Arjun. The chaos that ensued, after the actor waved to his fans from the sunroof of his car, resulted in the tragic death of a woman named Revathi and left her child severely injured.
Following the incident, Allu Arjun was arrested and later released on bail after furnishing a Rs 50,000 bond. While he has faced legal scrutiny due to the crowd control failure, his involvement and support for the victims have been significant.
On December 24, the child injured in the incident, Sri Tej, responded after being on a ventilator for 20 days. The child’s father, Bhaskar, expressed gratitude for the support the family received from both Allu Arjun and the Telangana government. Bhaskar shared that the child was recovering, a piece of positive news amid the tragedy.
Further underlining the family’s support, Allu Aravind, the film producer and Allu Arjun’s father, announced a financial assistance of Rs 2 crore for Sri Tej and his family. Rs 1 crore was provided by Allu Arjun himself, Rs 50 lakh from the producers, and Rs 50 lakh from director Sukumar. Allu Aravind expressed relief upon hearing that Sri Tej had been taken off the ventilator and was breathing on his own. He also mentioned that the medical team was positive about the child’s recovery.
This tragic event and its aftermath have brought to light issues of crowd management at large-scale film events, as well as the responsibilities of film stars and their teams in ensuring the safety of the public. While Allu Arjun has faced legal action, his prompt support for the victims shows his willingness to assist those affected by the incident.
The ongoing court proceedings will likely be pivotal in determining the next steps in the case, but in the meantime, Allu Arjun’s family and the film’s team have shown continued support for the victims.