October 28, 2024: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan was recently seen sharing a heartfelt moment with his mother-in-law, Savita Chibber, at a party in Dubai. The actor was in the city to attend an event organized by his son Aryan Khan’s luxury brand, D’yavol X. At the party hosted by Dyavola, Shah Rukh invited his mother-in-law onto an elevated stage to dance with him, creating a beautiful family moment. His wife, Gauri Khan, however, appeared to be absent from the celebration.
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In a viral video capturing the moment, Shah Rukh is seen holding Savita’s hand as they dance together, with Savita appearing slightly bashful. Surrounded by tight security, the duo enjoyed the music as fans admired the rare sight of SRK's family bonding.
In addition to dancing with his mother-in-law, Shah Rukh thrilled fans by bringing back his signature "Jhoome Jo Pathaan" moves, recreating the iconic hook step from the song at the fan event. He also struck his famous pose, sending the crowd into a frenzy.
For those unaware, D’yavol X is Aryan Khan’s luxury brand, with Shah Rukh frequently promoting it, even starring in an advertisement last year. The actor often sports outfits from the brand, showing his support.
Meanwhile, fans can look forward to Shah Rukh's next film, King, in which he will star alongside his daughter, Suhana Khan, marking a special on-screen family collaboration.
This post was last modified on October 28, 2024 6:30 pm
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