Actor Sharvari is overjoyed as her recent horror-comedy release, ‘Munjya’, has crossed the Rs 100 crore mark at the box office. Maddock Films, the production house behind the film, announced the milestone on Instagram with a celebratory post. They captioned it, “#Munjya, the first ever CGI actor, rewrites Box Office history with an unprecedented 100* CR record. Reaching new BLOCKBUSTER heights with your support. Thank you for the endless love. #Munjya soaring high in cinemas now.”
This achievement marks the first 100 crore blockbuster of Sharvari’s career. Reflecting on the success, she expressed her excitement, “I have been awed by the big stars who have huge 100 crore and above hits to their credit. To think that so many people have come to the theatres to see you, to shower their love and appreciation on your film and your work is quite an overwhelming moment for me.”
‘Munjya’ is only the second release of Sharvari’s career, making this success particularly significant. She noted, “To taste this kind of success so early in my career is hugely motivating. As an actor, one always wishes that their films become hits. For someone like me, it is all the more important because every hit allows me to get better roles, get better work. The pressure to survive and to thrive is insane in this industry and I’m really thankful to my industry for accepting me with open arms. It is nice to have the biggest minds of the Hindi film industry protecting your interests, guiding you to success.”
Directed by Aditya Sarpotdar and rooted in Marathi folklore, ‘Munjya’ has been drawing audiences to theatres since its release on June 7. The film also stars Mona Singh, Abhay Verma, and Sathyaraj.
Sharvari shared her feelings about being dubbed the “100 crore girl,” stating, “Being the 100 crore girl definitely has a nice ring to it and this will get me to work harder every single time I face the camera. I have huge ambitions as an actor. I needed the right stepping stone to dash towards my goal and Munjya has done that for me.”
She extended her gratitude to her ‘Munjya’ team, saying, “I’m immensely thankful to Dinesh Vijan for his advice, trust, and insights, Aditya Sarpotdar for his faith in my talent, and the entire team at Maddock for just going all out for me. They are the A-team!”
Looking ahead, Sharvari is set to share the screen with Alia Bhatt in an upcoming YRF spy universe film, though an official announcement is still awaited. She also has ‘Vedaa’ with John Abraham, directed by Nikkhil Advani, which is scheduled to hit theatres on Independence Day.
With ‘Munjya’ achieving blockbuster status, Sharvari is poised for greater heights in her acting career, and fans eagerly anticipate her next projects.
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