November 13, 2024: Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur, known for classics like Masoom and Mr. India, recently shared his thoughts on artificial intelligence (AI) in storytelling. As he prepares to begin work on Masoom 2, the much-anticipated sequel to his 1983 film, Kapur reflected on the role of AI in the creative industry.
In a lighthearted moment, Kapur shared an anecdote involving his cook, who claimed to have written a script for Mr. India 2 using ChatGPT. "My cook said he had a script for Mr. India 2. I asked where he got it from, and he replied, 'ChatGPT, sir.' The story was interesting, but I thought, 'It needs a human touch.' AI pushes us to do better, but if it writes everything, what's my role?" he quipped.
Discussing AI's limitations, Kapur emphasized that true creativity stems from human emotions like fear, love, and hope. "Creativity comes from emotion. AI can write about hope, but it can't feel it. AI cannot fall in love, and to truly create, one must experience emotions firsthand," he stated.
About Mr. India 2
Released in 1987, Mr. India became a cultural phenomenon, with Anil Kapoor and Sridevi in iconic roles and Amrish Puri as the unforgettable villain Mogambo. Though there have been talks about a sequel since 2011, production stalled, especially after the passing of Sridevi in 2017 and Amrish Puri in 2005. Kapur has hinted at wanting to revive the project, but only with the right emotional touch—something, he says, that AI could never capture.
ShekharKapur, MrIndia2, ArtificialIntelligence, ChatGPT, Bollywood,