November 4, 2024: Rupali Ganguly, the beloved star of Anupamaa, has found herself at the center of a family controversy. A post shared on social media by a user claiming to be Esha Verma, the daughter of Rupali’s husband, Ashwin Verma, has brought some disturbing allegations against the actress. The post accuses Rupali of manipulating and controlling her husband, Ashwin, and reportedly interfering with his relationship with his daughters.
In a lengthy note shared on X (formerly Twitter), Esha made several claims, drawing a parallel to the situation involving Rhea Chakraborty and Sushant Singh Rajput. The post, allegedly from 2020, accuses Rupali of feeding Ashwin “strange medications” and attempting to separate him from his daughters.
Esha wrote, “This is absolutely pathetic. Does anyone know the real story of Rupali Ganguly? She has had an affair with my father, Ashwin Verma, for twelve years while he was still in his second marriage. She has done everything to distance my sister and me from him.” Esha also claimed that whenever she tried to contact her father, Rupali would allegedly issue threats and scream at her.
The post went viral, with many fans expressing shock and concern. Although the authenticity of the claims has not been verified, the post has sparked widespread discussion online. Esha further alleged that Rupali's behaviour reminded her of the publicised story of Rhea Chakraborty’s involvement with Sushant Singh Rajput, accusing Rupali of controlling Ashwin's life.
In a twist to this narrative, however, Esha shared a photo with Rupali and Ashwin in 2021, referring to them as “parents.” This has left fans even more perplexed about the family dynamics and the authenticity of her current claims.
As of now, Rupali Ganguly has not publicly responded to these accusations, leaving fans awaiting further clarification on this developing story.
This post was last modified on November 4, 2024 11:30 am
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